Annual Awards Roll Of Honour

Club Member of the Year

Year Winner
2023/24 Robert Richards
2022/23 Hannah Susorney
2018/19 Jane Jackson
2017/18 Jane Jackson and Claire Sprague
2016/17 Jane Jackson
2015/16 Marilyn Cooper
2014/15 Cathy Carey
2013/14 Alison Holliday
2012/13 Lucy Skye
2011/12 Leanne Rice
2010/11 Andy Vallance

Marilyn Cooper Memorial Cup

The Marilyn Cooper Memorial Cup is awarded for the most miles raced (Female)

Year Winner
2023/24 Jo Page
2022/23 Jo Page
2018/19 Jo Page
2017/18 Jo-Anne Turner
2016/17 Caroline Wilson
2015/16 Anne Binns

Andy Vallance Cup

The Andy Vallance Cup is awarded for the most miles raced (male)

Year Winner
2023/24 Charlie Temperley

Highest Achiever

Year Male Female
2023/24 Stephen Sincock Claire Watkins
2022/23 Chris Turner Anne Binns
2018/19 Roger Voaden Jo Page
2017/18 Rob Kelly & Roger Voaden Mags Jarvis
2016/17 Roger Voaden Mags Jarvis
2015/16 Roger Voaden Katie Littlejohns
2014/15 Roger Voaden Marilyn Cooper
2013/14 Roger Voaden Marilyn Cooper
2012/13 Andy Vallance Jane Jackson
2011/12 Andy Vallance Jane Jackson
2010/11 Roger Voaden Marilyn Cooper

Hardest Trainer

Year Male Female
2023/24 Ian Ripper Vicky Bond
2022/23 Paul Evison Sophie Luxton
2018/19 Hugh Robinson Jane Jackson and Karen Vallance
2017/18 Rob Hicks and Rob Kelly Jackie Dawes
2016/17 Rob Kelly Nicola Smith
2015/16 Stuart May Lucy Marrison
2014/15 Rob Kelly Mags Jarvis
2013/14 Roger Voaden Anne Binns
2012/13 Chris Aylen Heather Richards
2011/12 Paul Crease and Richard Owen Katy Speak
2010/11 Mervyn Rice Karen Vallance and Philippa Allom

Coach Of The Year

Year Male Female
2023/24 Rob Hicks Joanne Teixeira
2022/23 Rob Hicks Michelle Luddington
2018/19 Mike Baker Claire Sprague
2017/18 Geoff Hill Tracey Mills
2016/17 Chris Aylen Charlotte Radnor
2015/16 Jeremy Tandy Mags Jarvis
2014/15 Tim Watson Lucy Skye
2013/14 Gavin Punchard Lucy Skye
2012/13   Lucy Skye
2011/12   Carole Cornwall
2010/11   Jo-Anne Fletcher

Most Improved

Year Male Female
2023/24 Nick Marvin Lucy Gooding
2022/23 Ian Ripper Karen King
2018/19 Paul Evison Emma Dean
2017/18 Ed Dumpleton Jo Bradford
2016/17 Mark Hawkins Rebecca Ewing
2015/16 Mike Westland Jackie Dawes
2014/15  Jeremy Tandy Janet White
2013/14 Perry Vallance Charlotte Radnor
2012/13 Rob Kelly Abby Williams
2011/12 David Way Abby Metherell
2010/11 Greg Miller Alison Holliday & Jayne West

Best Newcomer

Year Winner
2023/24 Emma Jewell
2022/23 Luke Stannus
2018/19 Stephen Sincock
2017/18 Tom Andrew
2016/17 Ed Dumpleton
2015/16 Lucy Brint
2014/15 Claire Stanbury
2013/14 Jackie Dawes