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Couch to……..5k, 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon or even 50k Ultra Marathon?

It starts again on 10th September.

Into its second year, Okehampton Running Club will continue with this amazing opportunity that successfully gets relative novice runners to complete any or all of these milestones.

The plan consists of  5 blocks of 9 weeks going through the various distance milestones. 

Each milestone will have its own 9 week plan all contributing towards the next goal if you chose to take it. 

You don’t need to do all the milestones and you don’t need to start at the beginning.

The plan was designed by our experienced England Athletics Event Endurance coach, Robert Richards. An avid Ultra Distance runner. He has completed 100Mile, 100km and 50km events. He will be ably supported by other coaches from the running club, some of whom have completed some or all the distances too. We will also be joined along the way with inspirational club runners who have their own stories to tell about their achievement of running goals.

The plan is;

  • Low intensity
  • Focuses on running and walking 
  • Increases in mileage, slowly
  • Enjoy rest days 
  • Building strength and conditioning
  • Training is integrated with our club sessions
  • Self-training by yourself or in friendship groups
  • Group training at some weekends
  • All events are guided group runs – No racing involved!
  • None of the events are timed!

Every person who starts the event will, as far as is reasonably possible, be guaranteed to complete it. 

Each event beyond 10km will be a trail events. Some will be on Dartmoor, we can’t avoid this can we? 

We of course will take in Devon trails throughout as well as some road running.

Along the journey there will be;

  • Physical training
  • Technical training
  • Running form tips
  • Trail running techniques including uphill and downhill running 
  • Fuelling and hydration strategies 
  • Map reading and navigation skills

Whether you want to do Couch to 5km, part or the full 45 week commitment, everyone is welcome.


Provisional Training Schedule


Start Couch to 5k training

Tuesday 10th Sept 24

5Km event

Sunday 10th Nov 24

Start 5k to 10k training

Tuesday 12th Nov 24

10Km event

Sunday 12th Jan 25

Start 10k to Half M training

Tuesday 14th Jan 25

Half M event

Sunday 16th Mar 25

Start Marathon training

Tuesday 18th Mar 25

Marathon event

Sunday 18th May 25

Start Ultra training

Tuesday 18th May 25

50Km event

Sunday 20th July 25

The plan dates are all subject to change. If you are not able to make some of these dates above then the opportunity will be given for other dates providing they are within a reasonable time so not to get too far behind the plan.

There will be a requirement to have suitable trail running sports wear and equipment when the trail running session start. Guidance and advise will be given along the way.

Any questions or queries please contact our coach Robert Richards at

Robert Richards mantra is #Completing is Competing