2 5ks & a Blister ;-)

It was a quieter weekend for racing, probably just as well given the weather on Saturday. However, Claudine Benstead braved the elements and tackled a very windy 5k Exmouth Park Run on Saturday. With sand blowing everywhere it was quite a challenge, but Claudine maintained her excellent form, coming home in a time of 20:38, second lady and fourth place overall.

Further afield Jo Page had better weather for her 5k run on Sunday, the Larnaca Salt Lake Fun Run, where they enjoyed a sunny 23 degrees. Fun Run Cyprus organise weekly 5k events for all ages. Jo, true to form, ran a great race in a time of 20:58.

Louise Lyle and Kate Wilson headed to Bicton on Sunday for the Bicton Blister. The race starts and finishes at the College and uses a short section of road before taking the sandy, stony, and muddy paths across the pebbled heaths of Bicton and Woodbury common, an area of outstanding natural beauty.

It’s a challenging course covering 10.5 miles, but fortunately the runners enjoyed lovely conditions for the run, with Louise coming home in 1:29:54 and Kate in 1:41:54. Superb running by them both.

However, it’s not all about racing. Okehampton Running Club (ORC) hold Tuesday night club runs in ability-based groups and Thursday night training sessions. This includes the juniors who continue go from strength to strength, with 18 of them tackling a hill pyramid training session last Thursday evening. They covered 6km in total with about 150m of elevation and even looked quite fresh at the end of it! Well done to them and thank you to the lovely helpers for keeping them motivated at the bottom of the hill to go back up again!

Both sessions start at the Pavilion in the Park, meeting at 6:15 for a 6:30pm start. Newcomers are most welcome, and you can give it a go to see if it’s for you with no commitment. See the club website for more information.