The Okehampton Running Club Annual General Meeting will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 3 May 2023 at the Pavilion in the Park.
All members are welcome and you are invited to arrive from 6:45 for a 7pm start.
The evening will commence with the AGM, be followed by light refreshments and the Annual Awards, which we are delighted to commence again this year after a break due to Covid.
In compliance with our Club constitution the AGM’s purpose and order of business is:
1. To receive from the committee an Annual Report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year
2. To elect the Honorary Officers and the Committee
3. To decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting
As we always say, the Club is run by the Club Committee and ORC would not exist if it were not for the work of the individuals who give time and enthusiasm to ORC – and that could be you too!
We have one member standing down from the Committee, our thanks to Hannah for her contribution as Race Director. Any nominations for this role to be received by the 19 April 2023.
Please submit your nominations for the people you think most deserving of an award, you can see the previous recipients here.
The awards categories are:
- Club Member of the Year
- Highest Achiever – Male and Female
- Hardest Trainer – Male and Female
- Coach of the Year – Male and Female
- Most Improved – Male and Female
- Best Newcomer
- Marilyn Cooper Memorial Cup (no nominations required, this is awarded to the female who has raced the most miles)
We have created an online form for your nominations, you should have received an email with the link on 22nd March with the subject Notice of Annual General Meeting – 3 May 2023. Please note that nominations will close on Monday 10 April.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM, it would be helpful if you can let us know if you are coming for catering purposes. You can email okehamptonrunningclub@gmail.com or put a note on the FaceBook post.
Many thanks and thank you for your continued support of the club.