Westward League XC Exeter

Round three of the Westward League Cross Country took place on Sunday, on a cold but very dry day. The venue for this event was in the playing fields and woods adjoining the Exeter Arena, and included within it were the Devon Championships. Injury and illness made for a few last minute changes to our men’s team but all the runners put in great efforts and ran well. Andy Vallance was the first of the men and the only male to have entered the Championships, coming home in 31.25 giving him 14th place in the Championships and 2nd in his age category. Matt Pitson was next with another good run in 32.00 and Rob Kelly in 33.08. Hugh Robinson ran nearly the whole race with Chris Turner on his heels, but he managed to hold him off right to the finish with them clocking 33.56 and 33.59 respectively. Stuart May was next in 36.20 and George Haskell came home in 37.39.

The ladies race saw a doubling of ORC entries from the previous meeting in the senior ladies race, with six runners taking part, and Eleanor Marvin running in the under 15 age category. Again Molly Marvin was the first ORC home with a great run to finish in in 20.55, giving her a qualifying sixth place in her age category for the Devon Championships. Sarah Marvin followed her home in 21.24, coming 5th in her age group with Juliet Paterson next in 22.42. Anne Binns was next, pleased with her time of 23.22 in her first race back from injury, followed by Jane Jackson in 24.59 and Mags Jarvis in 27.07. Eleanor Marvin ran very well over the 3.9k course, against a fast field of very competitive under 15 entrants, to come home in 19th place in a time of 16.25.

December’s Run in the Park took place earlier that morning and we were pleased to see the cold weather has not scared the runners away – Santa even made a debut!

The fourth round of the Westward League is on 15th January at Westward Ho! ORC members can enter this race for free, you just need to wear a club vest or t-shirt. Please get in touch with Andy Vallance if you would like to take part. If you are in need of some club kit (or just want some more) please email ORC, with your name, kit request and size. Jane will bring your order along to club, where you can try it on and pay.

Many thanks to Jane for the run report